Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Dresden Ale

The southern half of CCB has been busy, and we're subsequently broke. We do have a stand up refrigerator and three corny kegs ready to go now, and we got to pop the system's cherry with the Dresden Ale.

So titled for the late Kurt Vonnegut, the Dresden Ale is a double red that earns its name due to its fiery assault on your palate, and sobriety. We calculated it out to 11.8%, by far our highest content to date (and it makes the 8% IPA taste like Coors light). We also force carbonated this one, due to our extreme impatience at an installed kegerator with nothing to drink. We pumped the system to 30psi and shook the crap out of the keg, by the next day it was carbonated. We will probably continue to force carbonate, but with a slower less violent method.

Kegging beer is like learning to walk, it makes much more possible (including CCB's first lager, suck it nor cal!), and takes other worries away (like saving/cleaning/storing bottles in mass quantities). In the end this refrigerator should house three tapped beers and three fermenting lagers. I should be unemployed by then...

Long live CCB!